40 Before 40: 15-11

Shocker – still none of the goals have been completed. However, I am not deterred. Below is the next list of five:

  • Be a guest on a radio show
    To me radio, especially sports (talk and/or play-by-play) radio, is still one of the most honest and nostalgic forms of communication. There is something almost romantic about being heard and not seen. It allows you to fill in the blanks and put yourself in the middle of the conversation. It breeds imagination and adds much more to the visual highlight.

    In addition, very few television announcers have given me goose bumps, but radio calls can still nearly bring me to tears – Braves Win! Larry Munson. Shot Heard Round the World. Vin Scully.

    Back to the goal – I think I have been on radio twice – once to share a quick opinion and once to answer a trivia question. My sentiments on the opinion didn’t quite get across (shocker – me not expressing myself properly), but I did answer the question correctly. Only problem was I had to drive 45 minutes to pick up my prize – $10 off at a local restaurant. I would’ve needed to spend more than $10 in gas, not counting my time, to get the coupon. Needless to say, my radio experiences have not been great.

    But I think I could change that if it was more of a relaxed, back and forth setting. Not quite sure what the topic would be – maybe 40 before 40, sports, religion?

  • Own an orange blazer
    I want a new blazer, and it must come in one of two colors – orange or green. Let’s be honest, I will never earn a green jacket, know anyone that does, or financially qualify to get one. And even if I did, what the crap what we talk about? Thinking BBQ and religion are not big topics in Butler’s Cabin.

    Unless it’s with this guy:

    As such, I think I will go with the orange version. And it will be AWESOME! Not sure how to qualify, but worst case is I buy one from M.H. Frank (may cost more than my trip to Italy).

    Good thing blazers button and don’t have to fit over the head because my head will be too freakin’ large for any article of clothing to fit over it.

  • Never join Facebook
    Facebook is a previously established pet peeve. Already there are places using Facebook as the only source of login or use. And I’m afraid it may grow.

    But who’s to tell me I must use one product in order to use another. Who cares if they “team up”. I should have the right to pick and choose which products I support – and which I don’t.

    Also, my disdain for the masses has been previously established. And the more people try and force me to use something, the more I am going to push back.

    P.S. – if I haven’t spoken to you in multiple years – it may be for a reason…

    Follow me on twitter @willypowellpe

  • Host/Coordinate a concert
    I love music. The art, the creativity, the making of something from nothing. Some people appreciate watercolors and others literature and others photography. My thing is good, solid, well made, and honest music.

    And I want to help artists get their art out to the world. I want others to see and appreciate music the way I do. And there would be no better way than to have someone share their art in your home.

    More and more musical artists are building their fan bases through small, intimate shows rather than the larger, heavily produced versions. I’ll let you know when one will be staying at Chateau Powell.

  • Spend the night on a boat
    Cruises don’t count. Neither do all day & all night fishing charters.

    I’m thinking more along the line of White Squall. A schooner that needs my help. Or maybe a sailboat moored off the coast somewhere. I don’t know – and don’t really care. I just want to spend the night on the water in legitimate quarters.

    Hopefully it’s as peaceful and romantic as it sounds. And hopefully my bride is with me – for those same reasons. My luck it won’t be, but that’s okay because either way, a goal will be accomplished.

And then there were ten…

Let me know what you think!